Our Mechanical Property Testing laboratory is equipped with multiple precision-aligned load frames and a range of load cells capable of accurate measurements from 0.5 lb through 56000 lbs.
Instron Material Test Frames 3384 and 5900R
- Electromechanical testing machine
- Used for static testing including tension, compression, shear, flexure, peel, tear, creep, bending, etc.
- Capable of testing from -90F to 500F
- Load cells with maximum capacities ranging from 100 lbs to 30,000 lbs
- Wide assortment of ASTM test fixtures
Instron Dynamic Test Frames 8802
- High capacity Fatigue tester with broad range of static and dynamic test applications
- Twin column Servo-hydraulic precision aligned high stiffness load frame
- Rated to 56000 lbs
- Fatigue rated load cell
- Wide range of grips and fixtures available
Instron Impact Test Frame 9250G
- Tests the impact characteristics of an extensive variety of materials
- Gravity driven type impact machine
- Capable of delivering from 0.5-223 ft-lb